Nomination Form

    Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides for Nomination by shareholders of the Company in the prescribed Form No. SH-13. Shareholders are requested to avail of this facility. You may download this form by clicking here. Kindly send a duly filled and signed copy of the same to the Company's Share Transfer Agents for registration. In case of Joint Holders, all Joint holders are required to sign on the aforesaid form.

    The Nomination Form may be cancelled or varied by nominating any other person in place of the present Nominee, by giving such notice in the prescribed Form SH-14. You may download this form by clicking here. Kindly send a duly filled and signed copy of the same to the Company's Share Transfer Agents for registration.

    Where the Nominee is a Minor, the shareholder may appoint any other person in Form SH-14, who shall become entitled to the securities of the Company, in the event of death of the Nominee during his minority.

Annual Revenue
9.4% CAGR
Growth over the last 12 years
11.9% CAGR
Growth over the last 12 years
Exports as a % to Revenue
Increase in share over the last 12 years
Debt Equity
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